Thursday, June 20, 2013

One Mission to rule them all

Of all the buildings in downtown Riverside, the most significant is certainly The Mission Inn. Over the years, I have seen it dually transformed by both neglect and restoration.  I even own a table sold off by the Mission in the 90's, right before Mr. Roberts stepped in, when funding was becoming critical. Ask almost any resident and they can tell you about a visit to the Inn, even if only to take guests down to see the lights at Christmas. Since my first visit at age twelve, it has been a re-occurring backdrop in my own life for family weddings, engagement parties, holiday dinners, overnight stays and of course Christmas light viewings.

Entrance to Kelly's Spa

Next time you find yourself downtown, wander in, order something refreshing and sit a spell. You just might meet someone who is new in town and you can tell them all about it.


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