Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mystery Photo Challenge

© 2013 Julie Ann
Do you know where this photo was taken? Great! Please submit your own photo of this spot in Riverside. You can show off your mad photo skills and your own perspective. The first one to submit, will get their name, photo and self promotional link added to this post.

Good Luck!

note: there is no need to reproduce the above composition, please make it your own.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Walking in Downtown Riverside

© 2013 Julie Ann
© 2013 Julie Ann - Riverside City Hall sign
© 2013 Julie Ann - Riverside Promenade

© 2013 Julie Ann - Riverside Promenade

© 2013 Julie Ann - Riverside Courthouse

© 2013 Julie Ann - Riverside Downtown

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Walk Abouts

© Julie Ann 2013 - Riverside County Courthouse

© Julie Ann 2013 - Riverside County Courthouse

© Julie Ann 2013 - Box Springs Mountain

© Julie Ann 2013 - Mission Inn Avenue / Commerce Street